The further to the left or the right you move, the more your lens on life distorts.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Slaves to the Narrative

The trained hamsters in the main stream media don't want to write about, think about, or otherwise investigate anything associated with Libya. Sure, every so often they're forced into it, but it seems they're being dragged kicking and screaming. After all, Libya's the country that hosted the debacle that we now know as Benghazi; it became a haven for Islamic terror groups, and it's now the home of a 21st century slave trade. All of this was precipitated by decisions and actions taken by the past sainted president, you know, the one who is so smart, who had a nuanced grasp of geopolitics, whose foreign policy was flawless, and who was much, much, much better for the world than the current GOP president. Therefore, Libya isn't worthy of much mention because its descent into chaos demonstrates the flaws in that prevailing narrative.

The conservative blog, The American Interest, comments:
If a Republican President had invaded Libya and overthrown its government, then left bloody chaos, terrorism and rampant arms smuggling behind, our courageous press corps would be all over the story like a chicken on a June bug.

But fortunately all this happened under President Obama, so we don’t hear all that much about it. And when we do, nobody tries to assign blame to the arrogant ignoramuses who “organized” this disaster. [think: Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State]

But the latest news, that slave markets are now operating in Libya, where desperate black Africans are being bought and sold as slaves, ought to trigger some kind of response ...

Again, if Republicans were responsible for this it would be the Biggest. Disaster. Ever.
The trained hamsters in the media are oh-so concerned about racism in all of it many forms. You'd think that an outright slave trade might qualify as something that would catch their attention. In fact, you'd think that they'd demand that the current president do something about it, but nope ... better to let the story die. After all, viewers, readers, and listeners might actually be forced to ask a painful question—Whose actions are responsible for all of this?

That makes our intrepid cadre of "journalists" slaves to the narrative even as human beings are being bought and sold as actual slaves in Libya.