The further to the left or the right you move, the more your lens on life distorts.

Monday, May 07, 2018

John, John

Regular readers of this blog know that I am not a fan of John Kerry—ex-presidential candidate, ex-Secretary of State during the Obama administration, and ex-senator from Massachusetts. Kerry is just about everything that is wrong with the elites who purport to lead the nation. Over the years I have referred to Kerry an a "nincompoop"—a man of mediocre intelligence, an ivy leaguer who is a classic example of an entitled progressive gentry liberal. He was the signature member of Barack Obama's foreign policy "Team of 2s," responsible for foreign policy failure after foreign policy failure during the Obama years.

And now, John Kerry is traveling the world, using his stentorian intonation and grave demeanor as a substitute for substance in an attempt to shore up his most disastrous "achievement"—the infamous Iran Deal. You recall—the same Iran deal that: (1) allows Iran to have nukes in less than eight years; (2) is virtually unverifiable; (3) gave Iran billions to foment chaos in the Middle East; (4) did nothing to control Iran's development of ICBMs, (5) couldn't get hostages released from Iran; (6) promised us that Iran would moderate its behavior, and (7) was accompanied by a late-night delivery of pallets of unmarked bills in a variety of foreign currencies intended as a bribe for the Mullahs. Yeah ... John Kerry is responsible for all of that. What a guy!

The blogress, Neo Neocon, comments:
Kerry would like to preserve his “legacy,” of course. And what of the Logan Act? I think if a person is against that law in general—and I am—it shouldn’t be enforced against Kerry. But if ever there was a case that fit exactly into the scenario envisioned by the Logan Act, it would be this one:
(1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government’s position. The Act was passed following George Logan’s unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799.
Looking at the history of the Logan Act and the two prosecutions (no convictions) that have occurred under it, I can’t see a similar situation or one in the same class as that of Kerry, in which the secretary of state of a previous administration seeks to negotiate to undermine the policy of the present secretary of state and the current president.

Of course, as Trump himself has said recently, Kerry is “not the best negotiator we’ve ever seen.” One thing about private citizens negotiating with foreign nations against the interests of present administrations is that those private citizens no longer have the power they once possessed, as those foreign nations no doubt recognize.
I suspect that foreign nations recognize a lot more about Kerry than his lack of power—a lack on intellect, a lack of negotiating skill, a lack of common sense, and a lack of the strength to conduct effective foreign policy.

Gosh, most Democrats and their trained hamsters in the mainstream media thought Michael Flynn was the devil when he met with Russian diplomats during the transition to a Trump presidency. Those same Dems and hamsters thought Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, should resign because he was caught talking (!!) to the Russian ambassador at a social function. But Kerry meeting with foreign powers including Iran ... ohhh, that's a different matter, isn't it?