The further to the left or the right you move, the more your lens on life distorts.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


I find it amusing that most Democrats and their trained hamsters in the media refer to the partial government shut down as a "crisis." And it is ... but not in the way they're implying. But first, let's digress.

Almost 90 percent of the government employees in Commerce Department and the Department of Housing and Urban Development have been deemed as non-essential—that is, they're given a paid vacation until the politicians decide that proper funding for border security is important enough to end the vacation. And make no mistake—for all the lamentation about government employees not getting a paycheck, they will be paid in full for their days off. No work, but good pay—impressive.

But back to the "crisis." What worries the proponents of Big Intrusive Government (i.e., the Democrats and a few GOP members) is that the average person might not notice any appreciable effect associated with the partial government shutdown ... and then ... that same person might connect a few dots and ask: (1) whether all of those "non-essential" government employees are really necessary; (2) whether closing down many of the programs those same non-essential government employees support might not be a bad idea; (3) whether all the government spending associated with the 25 percent of government that is shut down might be used more effectively or better yet, not spent at all, and (4) whether the fact that the closure doesn't effect their lives in any appreciable way indicates that just maybe all the folks who keep telling them how dependent they are on the federal government are full of it.

That's the "crisis" that the Dems and their trained hamsters in the media are talking about. The narrative is under attack, and that simply cannot be tolerated.