The further to the left or the right you move, the more your lens on life distorts.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Social Justice Warriors and other progressive acolytes of Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren and The Squad seem compelled to virtue signal at every turn. Recently, they've been peppering social media with tweets and posts like these:
"In what universe is being a billionaire justified?"
"There is no reason for anyone to be a billionaire."
"Why is it okay to be a billionaire?"
"Why is anyone a billionaire?"
To answer the last question, and by extension, all of the other memes, let me propose the following:
  • Because that person (the billionaire) is probably smarter and/or luckier and/or worked harder and/or worked longer than 99.9999% of their fellow humans.
  • Because that person was probably unafraid to fail and bounced back from the failures in ways that are not typical of 99.9999% of their fellow humans.
  • Because that person was willing to take risks that 99.9999% of their fellow humans were unwilling to take?
  • Because that person pays more local, state, and federal taxes than 1,000 (or more) average taxpayers.
  • Because that person purchases everything from real estate to automobiles to boats that provide employment to the thousands of middle class workers who make and sell them.
  • Because that person creates a micro-economy that benefits not only them, but also all who come into contact with them.
  • Because that person likely created one or more companies that employ hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of people, who in turn live better lives because they have the income, health benefits and retirement savings derived from their employment.
  • Because that person likely created one or more companies that employ hundred or thousands or tens of thousands of people, who pay millions in local, state and federal income taxes, thereby providing funding for those who are less fortunate and depend on the government for some or all of their support.
  • Because that person likely created one or more companies that employ hundred or thousands or tens of thousands of people, who provide goods and services that have the potential to benefit hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of people or millions of people.
  • Because that person has the resources to endow colleges or build hospital wings that provide direct benefit to those who want to learn and those who need medical care.
  • Because that person is often a patron of the arts and provides support that allows artists of all kinds to thrive.
  • Because that person often sets up foundations that provide funding for charities of all kinds.
And lastly, because that person has probably spent a lifetime making things or providing services that actually benefit society in some way, as opposed to leftist SJWs who accomplish little with their outrage and absolutely nothing by asking idiotic questions like "Why is anyone a billionaire?'