The further to the left or the right you move, the more your lens on life distorts.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


In a recent post, I suggested that climate change hysterics will go to any length to frighten the public, and in so doing, get sheeple to go along with their near-insane ideas for "saving the planet." These hysterics (almost all on the Left) have learned from Covid hysterics (almost all on the Left) that a combination of faux-expert opinion, abuse of scientific data, lack of context, and, the jettisoning of common sense lead to authoritarian dictates that are lauded by a dishonest media and embraced by leftist politicians and bureaucrats. Nothing exemplifies this more than "pizza-gate" in New York City.

The lunatic climate fringe has decided that wood-fired and coal pizza ovens are a threat to the planet and as a consequence, have used their petty dictator credentials (NYC is wholly controlled by the Democrats) to over-regulate these commercial ovens. Mom and Pop pizza places must install scrubbers to reduce emissions from these evil ovens and have yearly inspections by paid "engineers"—all in an effort to save us from climate armageddon.

Steven Kruiser comments:

In a city with rats the size of ponies and crime rates that are surging, the climate change weirdos would have people believe that the aroma from the neighborhood pizza joint is the real problem. Imagine how mentally unbalanced you’d have to be to buy into that without question.

Questioning the wisdom of these regulations makes one a climate "denier." But no matter, saving the planet trumps common sense every time.

The Left is very big on virtue signalling, particularly when it is tied to meaningless gestures that accomplish nothing, but do make the lives of others miserable. The cost of the NYC pizza regulations is about $20,000, enough to create significant financial stress for a small pizza place.

As we see calls for the elimination of gas stoves, farming, power planets, etc., etc., it's almost as if the climate change hysterics want to degrade the quality of living for everyone—except of course those who have the financial wherewithal to circumvent their authoritarian dictates. 

The only response is push back—hard, unrelenting, and immune to the demonization that will surely follow. Let's hope that sanity prevails in NYC and that pizza lovers come together to quash these ridiculous regulations.