The further to the left or the right you move, the more your lens on life distorts.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Israel at War—Western Civilization

Ben Shapiro is a conservative firebrand who is not shy about calling out the insane positions adopted by leftists in general and pro-palestinian demonstrators (virtually, all either Muslims or hard-left ideologues). In a speech at the University of Wisconsin-Madison before 1,100 people, he talked about the virtues of western civilization. The College Fix reports:

Shapiro started the speech without apology: “Your civilization is better than Hamas’, and it’s better than those of the people who sympathize with Hamas and you should not be shy about that,” he said.

“Your civilization is better in every conceivable way, it is better in terms of freedom, it is better in terms of decency, and it is better materially,” Shapiro said.

“Hamas’s morality is evil. In the view of Hamas, the ultimate goal is the full destruction of all non-believers. To that end, they are willing to kill babies in their cribs,” he said.

Shapiro is, of course, correct. Western values encompass everything that Hamas and their supporters on the Left hate: 

  • freedom of speech without threat of cancellation or government retribution;
  • freedom of religion without the threat that a large majority can inflict pain on a small minority;
  • a meritocracy in which people are rewarded for their accomplishments, not their position in the DEI heirarchy;
  • a moral code that demands that all people be given an equal chance, but does not demand equal outcomes;
  • a criminal code that applies to all equally, punishing those who do wrong and protecting the rest from political prosecution;
  • a democratic government that shuns authoritarian dictates and mandates, allowing individuals freedom to control their own lives;
  • a government that is not intrusive, does not spend unnecessarily, and is not self-perpetuating;
  • a rejection of identity politics that characterizes some people as oppressed victims and gives them special treatment and exemptions that others do not get
  • and much, much more.

The Left has been working hard to erode these values and has succeeded in many respects. It's long past time that the rest of us push back—hard.

Meanwhile, outside the auditorium where Shapiro was speaking, leftist college students and Muslim activists chanted:

“Hey, hey, ho, ho, Israel has got to go,” 

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and 

“Ben Shapiro you can’t hide, you’re supporting genocide.”

What is it about leftists that makes them chant in rhyme? Do they think it makes them clever?  It doesn't. Maybe they think it's virtuous? Anything but. Do they think that lying in rhyme make the lies any more believable? Nope. Possibly they believe that any observer listening will tap their foot and say, "Yeah ... that rhyme got me. I'm all in for the narrative." LOL.

Probably, it's because the left uses rhymes as a substitute for substantive debate or sadly, clear thinking. Their many insane or dishonest positions and narratives cannot be defended without resorting to lies, counter-historical claims, or psychological projection ... and rhymes.

So rhyme away, lefties. Your trained hamsters in the propaganda media will happily promote your ignorant chants, but thinking people will reject your childish and inane behavior. 

And meanwhile, the few of us who think that all civilizations and worldviews are NOT created equal will work hard to dismantle the damage you have done and insist on continuing to do.  And we'll do it without shouting a single rhyme.