The further to the left or the right you move, the more your lens on life distorts.

Friday, January 06, 2017

Seven Key Guidelines

Politicians never seem to learn. When they win big, they gloat and act as if they'll be in power forever. They make bad decisions that lead to bad law that results in no accomplishments that leads to angry citizens. Ultimately they're voted out of office, just like the Dems under Barack Obama.

As the GOP begins its reign with majorities in both the House and the Senate, they would be well-served to follow seven key guidelines for any action taken by the Republican Congress (and President) proposed by Ed Morrissey (bolded statements are Morrissey's words, comments that follow are mine:
  1. Does it serve to bring accountability to the political establishment in Washington DC? The beginning of accountability is the active attempt to reduce waste and abuse. There are literally thousands of wasteful programs that should be cut or eliminated, and many more thousands of unnecessary and harmful regulations that do nothing more that concentrate power in Washington. Wasteful programs and unnecessary regulations should all be eliminated.
  2. Does it add to the economic power of the US and create good jobs for Americans?  No one wants a trade war, but it is necessary to establish better trade policies and  as a consequence, open export markets to American companies that produce goods and services in the United States. Our trade deficit should be reduced.
  3. Does it address the most critical needs of the country ahead of the ideological agendas of the parties? For example, wasting time on ridiculous ideological issues (e.g., the never-ending abortion fight) does nothing to further our nation's goals on either the domestic or foreign policy level. We need focused leadership from both the executive branch and the Congress. If the Democrats throw a hissy-fit and refuse to work with Trump, so be it. Get on board or get out of the way!
  4. Does it enhance national security and the defense of Americans both at home and abroad?  The key here is not necessarily more, but rather, smarter. The DoD tells us constantly that it needs more money, more people, more weapons systems, but in reality it needs a smarter defense strategy that has been tuned to the future, not 20th century boogie men. It is inconceivable that a smart Pentagon (with, say, 20 percent fewer senior officers with little to do) could not live within it budgets if it forced contractors to rigidly control costs.
  5. Does it serve the rule of law equally applied to all?  But that doesn't mean that the rule of law is skewed toward favored groups. It's long past time that we no longer excuse poor group behavior because of past abuses or slights.
  6. Does it restore the proper balance of power between the executive and legislative branches? During the Obama years, we teetered on the edge of an imperial presidency. This worked out very poorly for the country and for Obama's party. The Congress has distinct responsibilities under our Constitution. It should step up and perform them.
  7. Does it restore the proper balance of power between Washington DC and the states?  The closer decision-making and raw political power is to the people it affects, the better life is for the people. In an ideal world, Washington should become far less powerful. The states should be in charge of many things that are currently center in Washington, DC.
I have no illusions that the power elites in Washington will follow these guidelines, but it sure would be nice if they tried.